Player on the baseline has the ball, gives the pass to the wing and follows his pass for the defense.
Players play 1X1 to the goal.
Player on the baseline has the ball, makes the pass to the wing and follows his pass for the defence.
The wing attacks the baseline, makes a back-up dribble and throws a pass to the safety.
(The defender remains on the same man, the wing, defending).
The Winger runs free, gets the pass from the playmaker and attacks the goal 1X1.
Player on the baseline has the ball, gives the pass to the wing and follows his pass for defense, the 2nd defender also runs to the top to defend.
The wing attacks the baseline, does a backup dribble and gives a pass to the playmaker.
After his pass, the winger goes to cut and post up as a center.
The playmaker now dribbles to the wing position.
From this position the players play 2X2 to finish.
Player on the baseline has the ball, passes to the wing and follows his pass for defence, the 2nd defender also runs to the top to defend.
The wing attacks the baseline, does a backup dribble and gives a pass to the playmaker.
After his pass, the winger goes to cut and post up as a center.
The playmaker now dribbles to the wing position.
The third attacker can be used as a saftey.
Player on the baseline has the ball, gives the pass to the wing and follows his pass for defence, the 2nd and 3rd defender also run to the top to defend.
The wing attacks the baseline, does a back up dribble and gives a pass to the playmaker.
After his pass, the wing walks to the other side of the ring to position himself as a centre.
Meanwhile the server passes the ball to the other wing who is ready to play (swinging).