feet in parallel position; ball in both hands in front of chest.
eyes focused on the goal.
Step with the left foot in the direction of the pass,
so that the left side of the body comes in front (turning in);
At the same time, the ball is brought behind the head with both hands;
the body weight rests on the back leg.
The elbow is under the ball;
the angle between the upper and lower arm is about 90 degrees;
the fingers of the throwing hand are spread.
next: turn your hips and trunk to the left;
the left hand will lose contact with the ball and is held horizontally to protect the action;
the elbow is bent.
The right arm swings in a straight line past the head in the direction of the goal; the movement ends with the wrist being folded over.
The right arm swings in a straight line along the head towards the target; the movement ends with the flick of the wrist; the ball is pointed after by the throwing arm,
while the wrist hangs down in a relaxed position.
During the action, the body weight is transferred to the front foot.