Goal: Defending the forward in triple threat position
attacker makes an agreed number of different feints before shooting or dribbling to the basket
defender must anticipate with a drop step when the attacker threatens to go over the front foot
with a two-footed backward hop when the attacker threatens to go over the back foot
when the attacker brings up the ball, the defender should quickly step towards the attacker, stand against him, feet wider than the attacker,
Trace the ball with your hands
When the attacker brings the ball back down, the defender returns to his/her original position with a slide step or a hop backwards (arm's length distance)
Teaching points:
react quickly on the feet, before the attacker does
Distance from the attacker: match the threat he poses.
Shorten the distance to the attacker with mini-slides, so that you can react immediately
attacker gives a pass to himself from the bucket edge
Starting exercise:
defender starts at arm's length
Square up = feet next to each other, chest perpendicular to the line of the ball-basket when the attacker is standing on the axis of the field.
Left foot forward when the attacker is standing on the right half of the field and vice versa.
Attacker fakes the shot
Defender steps forward, hand on ball
Attacker brings the ball down
defender recovers arm-length distance
attacker makes max 2 dribbles, left or right
after the stop, the defender steps forward again, hand on the ball
Form of play:
as above, but with shot + boxing out (= wall and rebound)
2 scores in a row (also from the rebound!!) OR 2 stops in a row = loser presses and change