A playing field of 2 by 2 square, equally sized fields of +/- 10 by 10 meters per field are laid out.
Over the central intersection (the middle of the four spaces) another circle is put with a diameter of about 4 meters.
The four fields are continents, the circle the Pacific Ocean (and forbidden area).
Two teams, fielding and batting.
Field party is divided over continents, and there they are fixed.
Fielding cannot switch continents during the game.
The batting team has 4 men/women in the field and they are allowed to enter all continents.
Player 5 of the batting team picks up the bat/wood/breadboard or tennis racket and hits the infield ball.
If the (minimum 2) umpires think this is a strike, player 5 also throws the ball to one of the 4 players from the batting team who are loose in the continents.
How do you score points?
The batting team gets 1 point for every time the ball passes through all continents clockwise or anti-clockwise, without falling on the ground (no running with the ball).
Does the ball fall?
From that continent you start over again.
This may continue until the fielding side has also taken the ball and made a round through the four continents.