Gym class drill: james bond

Suitable for the following techniques: games

James Bond

  • There are 3 teams made of equal numbers.
  • Team 1 is the James Bond team, team 2 is the villain team and team 3 are the henchmen.
  • When the game is over, the roles swap through.
  • Assignment James Bond-team (pink):
  • Get a cube from the yellow hoop and try to make a right turn around all the hiding places.
  • If you're hit by a ball, hold the cube high in the air and walk around the circle.
  • Now put the cube in the red hoop.
  • When you return without being hit, place the block in the green hoop.
  • If there are any more blocks you can try again.
  • Assignment crooks team (green):
  • Try to hit the James Bond team from the mat.
  • They are out if the ball hits the body directly (bouncing does not count).
  • This team is not allowed off the mat, the balls are retrieved.
  • Assignment of henchmen team (blue):
  • The balls that the crooks throw to the James Bond team must be thrown back/retrieved by this team.
  • Do this as fast as possible because without the balls the villains can't do anything.
  • When the blocks are finished the game stops and everyone sits down where he/she stood.
  • The teacher writes down how many blocks there are in the green hoop, this is the score of team 1.
  • Now the teams are exchanged.
  • After the third round the scores are compared, who had the most points?

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: