Gym class drill: lion cage

Suitable for the following techniques: tag game

Lion Cage

  • The teacher selects 2 lions (tappers).
  • The lions are only allowed to tap in their cage.
  • This is the area between the benches or between the benches and the wall.
  • All the tokens may take a steak (piping bag) from the butcher's basket.
  • The aim of the game is that the tokens pass all 2 lions without being tapped and then put the steak in the BBQ basket.
  • If you are tapped by one of the 2 lions then you must put the steak in the lion's den.
  • Then you can get a new steak at the butcher and try again.
  • If all the steaks are gone, the game ends.
  • All steaks are counted and the one with the most steaks wins.
  • That's either the lions or the runners.
  • You can only win as a group, so it is important that the group of runners work together well.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: