Gym class drill: palm spider

Suitable for the following techniques: free running

Palm spider

  • Place 2 cabinets against a wall.
  • Have the students form two rows, each next to a cabinet.
  • At one of the cabinets the teacher will give assistance and at the other one the students can try it themselves.
  • The students can choose which one they want and can also switch during the lesson.
  • At both cabinets help is given.
  • Right-handed students stand at the left side of the cabinet and left-handed at the right side.
  • Then the student with his / her hand on the edge at the front in the middle of the cabinet.
  • The thumb points to the other side of the box.
  • The student turns away and tries to get as far as possible on the cupboard.
  • The further you get, the better.
  • The goal is to turn around and land on the mat again while supporting yourself with your hand/arm.
  • The students can use their hands and feet to move to the other side of the box.
  • Make sure the box is not too high and adjust the height if necessary.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: