Put a pawn on the left and right of the goal area line.
Players must round from outside the pawn on goal. Shot angle can be made easier or more difficult by moving pawn.
Row of players on left attack. Focal point on center.
Left attack puts pressure, plays ball to middle, gets ball back and rounds.
When one has been one goes on right attack, where the same thing is done.
Important is that players jump well inside towards goal.
Idem 1, but now with starting from the middle.
The ball is now played to the trainer in front of them.
This one also plays the ball back.
Alternate left and right.
Same as 2, but now also place a pawn where the players must pass inside.
This causes the player to arrive at the 2nd pawn in a nasty way -in the previous exercise they will have run a nice little arc to avoid this-, so they end up having to turn more in their shot to still get towards goal.
A distance shot from the middle can also be inserted throughout to train this as well.