OrganisationField: demarcated space (on half a field)
The form starts when blue 1 passes to orange 1.
Orange 1, 2 and 3 ( possibly 4) try to score in the goal.
Blue 1 and 2 try, by working together, to take over possession of the ball on their strong side and then to score in one of the little goals on the centre field (circle size about 3 metres).
The form stops when:
Orange scores in the goal.
Blue scores in the conversion in one of the little goals on the half way line.
The ball goes over the back line.
Ball over the sideline is a normal strike.
Foul is a normal free hit.
Tips on ball possession
Look before taking the ball (pre-scanning) and recognise space.
Take free hits and hits as quickly as possible.
Use push passes.
Tips on non-ball possession
Work together (cover each other's backs), give pressure on the ball, keep the ball on your defensive forehand side (fake space).
Force a pass to the back or force a pass wide; this is better than a deep pass.
Make sure you are always between the ball and your own goal
Switching tips
On losing the ball:
Keep pressure on the ball straight away
Get between the ball and your own goal as quickly as possible and help your team-mate
On winning the ball:
Look for the free space
Play a confident pass or accelerate strongly yourself.
Make it easier
Vary the method of passing (e.g. push pass) or initial pass to another player.