Hockey drill: overtalking when taking the ball

Suitable for the following techniques: push pass , attack

Overtalking when taking the ball

Purpose:The purpose is to teach you how to make space for your teammates by claiming a defender to you.


  1. It looks like the player at point A is going to take the ball out, but instead of doing so he leaves the ball and runs to point C.
  2. At the moment that the player at A runs away, the player at point B takes over his position.
  3. The player with the defender at point C runs in as soon as he sees the player at point A leave the ball and run towards him.
  4. The ball is taken out towards point D.
  5. At point D the ball is taken out and played to point C. After playing the ball this player walks to point E.
  6. The player now at point C plays the ball to the player running to point E.


  • You can also mirror the exercise on the other side.
  • When D can bounce the ball instead of taking it and playing it, the speed increases significantly.
  • When C can also rebound, this increases the speed and effectiveness
  • You can also give the C defender a more active role by having him try to get in front of his man.

Points of attention

  • The smoother the exercise runs, the harder it is to defend it.
  • Passes must be accurate for the exercise to be successful.
  • Because there are many changes of position, it is important that you explain the exercise step by step.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: