Korfball drill: course in throwing and catching with two hands

Suitable for the following techniques: passing

Course in throwing and catching with two hands

Inshort: basic exercise with pairs to learn or improve throwing and catching with two hands.

Organisation: Two people stand opposite each other, 5 to 10 metres apart (depending on the level of the group), one of them has a ball. Both players stand still. To mark the distance, it is possible to place two pawns or place the players behind two lines.

(In case of an uneven number of players: it is better to form a trio than to join in or let one player stand aside). Don't let the players stand too 'stiff' in these rather static exercises, they should move loosely and relaxed.

The players throw the ball to each other with two hands at chest height. The catch is made with both hands. Pay attention to the technique of catching (or throwing, not both at the same time).

The same, but now: 'which pair can play back and forth 25 times the fastest? Or: 'which pair can pass the ball the longest without dropping it?

Same, but now the ball is played high (higher than chest height, but not so high that the players have to jump to catch the ball).

The same, but now the ball is played low.

The players stand closer together and bounce the ball off each other.

The players play the ball alternately high, low or with a bounce to each other.


The same exercises, but now at a greater distance.

A nice variation is to have both players start close to each other and after e.g. three passes each take a small step backwards. After a while they will stand further apart and the maximum distance will be reached. (Let everyone throw a few times at maximum distance!)

One of the two players is now the regular thrower, the other (the 'worker') stands opposite him at about 10 metres. The 'worker' comes running, the declarer plays with two hands at chest height. The worker stops, catches the ball with his two hands and passes it back to the declarer. After some time, the players swap tasks.

One of the two players is the regular declarator, the other one (the 'worker') runs back and forth at about 5 meter distance in front of the declarator. The defender plays the ball with two hands. The worker catches the ball with two hands and puts it back as fast as possible.

After a while change. Make sure the ball is placed 'in front of the man'.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: