Inshort: basic exercise with pairs to learn or improve throwing and catching with one hand.
Organisation: Two people stand opposite each other, 5-10 metres apart (depending on the level of the group), one of them has a ball. Both players stand still. To mark the distance, it is possible to place two pawns or place the players behind two lines. (In case of an uneven number of players: it is better to form a trio than to join in or leave one player standing on the side).
The players throw the ball to each other with one hand, they catch it with two hands.
The same, but now: 'which pair can play back and forth 25 times the fastest? Or: 'which pair can pass the ball the longest without dropping it?
As example 1, but throw the ball with two hands and catch it with one hand (the receiver indicates on which hand he wants the ball).
As example 3, catch with the other hand.
Now throw with one hand and catch with one hand.
As example 1, but now with the 'wrong hand'.
As example 1, but now with the 'wrong hand' throw and catch.
Eight throws: number 1 throws with his right hand to number 2, who catches the ball with his right hand, grabs the ball with his left hand and throws the ball back to number 1 with his left hand. Number 1 catches with his left hand, passes to his right hand and throws to number 2 again. The ball makes an 8-course. Learned young, done old.
The players give each other difficult balls: they throw in such a way that you have to make an effort to catch the ball (with one hand).
The same exercises, but now at a greater distance.
A nice variation is to have both players start close to each other and after e.g. three passes each take a small step backwards. After a while they will stand further apart and the maximum distance will be reached. (Have everyone throw at maximum distance a few times at most!)
The same exercises, but now both players move slightly back and forth: players in motion must be placed.