! Make 3 groups and let the players divide into person 1, 2 and 3. After two rounds, switch one person by.
Form 3 teams near the basket. Person 1 stands 6 metres in front of the basket near the pawn, person 2 stands 6 metres behind the basket near the pawn. Person 3 stands under the basket as catcher. Person 1 starts with e.g. a pass, then goes back to the pawn. Person 2 takes a passing ball in the meantime, as person 3 has caught the ball. This is how you do all the exercises.
The three teams are now positioned differently. The pawns are moved to the side of the basket, where a player stands near both pawns. The other player stands in front of the pawn at 4 metres from the basket. Person 1 and 2 stand near the cones and are playable as a passer. Player 3 stands near the pawns and determines his action. Player 3 must pass at least 2 times before he can take a shot. The shooter stays in front of the basket with the shot.
3 teams change 1 for 1
# 4 teams swap 2 by 2