Blue pawn back line in middle then 5 meters inside other 5 meters again.
White pawn in middle and 5 meters outside the square.
B asks for ball by Active defender off balance and sprint to blue hat.
A plays B in, B plays C in with active defender in back, C plays D in. D lays wide and C rounds.
Has the active defender taken the ball away he may score.
The player who lost the ball must try to win it back from the defender.
The exercise is over when either player has scored.
Passing A becomes defender- defender becomes B- B becomes C- C becomes D and D closes in behind.
Start by assuming and playing first so B has to deal with player in back.
Then put on the active defenders places the regular defenders and but your game of.
Whoever scores most goals in 5 minutes wins. Note then the defenders remain standing A-B-C-D.
Coach moments: correct speed play the ball so your fellow player can deal with it immediately. Position B is important to shield the ball immediately during takeovers.