Plot field: Two rows with two pawns facing each other at a distance of about 15 meters.
Each team runs behind each other each time between the two pawns and around the other pawn and back again.
Jogging 2 laps around half a field or back and forth across the width of the field 4 times
3 x 8 times lifting knees backwards, jogging backwards
3 x 8 times heels buttocks outward, back jogging
Outward jog with single arm swing, left 3 to 4 times and then right 3 to 4 times, then left again, etc.
Back jog with both arms forward, 3 a 4 times, then both arms back 3 a 4 times and repeat
Sideways jumping jack movement back and forth, changing direction you are facing every 3 passes.
Cross passes back and forth, every 3 passes changing direction you are facing.
Walking backwards outward, sideways backward movement 3 steps left, 3 steps right back
Low tripling out, high tripling with knee lift back
Lunge passes forward outward, jog backward
Light tempo acceleration outward to max 60%, and light tempo acceleration back to max 60%
Everyone together in circle with sufficient distance.
Arms swing backwards left and right, feet light spread position.
Arm check and turn back foot in slightly on the front of your foot
arms turn around making big circles
up and down left and then right, feet slightly spread out
mill swings, light spread position, slightly bent knees.
With your left hand to your right foot, right hand in the air and check, then with your right hand to your left foot and with the left hand in the air and check.