Volleyball drill: injury prevention

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up


  • A few laps
  • Stand on the back line and dribble forward to the net. Dribble backwards to the backline. 2x
  • Lift your knees and dribble back. 2x
  • Dribble forward to the net, swinging your left arm forward. Back right arm swings forward. 2x
  • Dribble forward to the net, swinging both arms forward. Back arms backwards 2x
  • Walk sideways and switch legs. Back shoulder other side 1X
  • Stand on your heels and walk about 4,5 meters. Then stand on your toes as high as possible and walk to the net.
  • Start by explosively skipping eight times over a few meters before powering up (sprinting) to the back line. Skipping is a fast dribble on the front feet with a clear knee strike whereby the raised leg is horizontal and the heel just barely touches the ground. You roll over the ball of your foot towards your heel Keep the feet raised towards the shins and the ground contact short and fanatic. Back and forth 2x
  • Back to the back line, you hop upwards actively and explosively, moving your arms along with you.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: