Volleyball drill: warming up

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up

Warming up

hunter's ball

  • Place hats on the corners of a field
  • 2 players are the taggers, the rest moves around the field
  • the 2 taggers must tag the other players with the ball. They are not allowed to walk with the ball
  • By throwing over the ball the taggers can kick off the other players
  • If you are tapped or outside the box you are out and you belong to the taggers.

Loosening up ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists and neck

Abdominal exercises with the ball:

ball from left hip to right hip, planks 30 sec, lie down with ball and up, mountain climbers 30 sec, feet off the ground ball sideways, planks and jump with feet

lateral lunges, scorpion, hip cross over, inverted hamstring

Playing fanatically

Defend block with dive

  • 1 blocks first at the center and then at the left front
  • after block turn around and defend attack from 3 back
  • then defends (in dive) short ball from 5
  • 2 is next
  • Turn over:
    • 1 to short ball
    • 3 to blocking
    • 5 to attack

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: