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Basketball drill: 1 vs. 0 to 5 vs. 5

Suitable for the following techniques: condition attack

1 vs. 0 to 5 vs. 5

  • Starting lineup:
    • 5 players on one side of the field
    • 5 players on the other side of the field
    • 1 ball
  • Conduct:
    • Play 1 against 0
    • Play 2 against 1
    • Play 3 against 2
    • Play 4 against 3
    • Play 5 against 4
    • Games 5 against 5
  • Progression:
    • 30 seconds rest before the next session starts
    • Play this 5 times in a row until everyone has started once
    • Play 6 against 6 if there are 12 of us
  • Regression:
    • Play this 1 time
drawing 1 vs. 0 to 5 vs. 5

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: