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Basketball drill: 3 against 3

Suitable for the following techniques: defense

3 against 3


Goal: to defend one pass away


  • attackers use quarter of the field
  • try to get free with in-out or cut
  • first restore balance by occupying the 3 positions before cutting again
  • defender overplays when his man is playable with one pass
  • attacker can dribble
  • a waiting player counts down 20 seconds

Teaching Points:

  • hand in the passing line
  • front foot in the passing line
  • catch your man with your forearm
  • 3/4 of your attention on the man, 1/4 on the ball
  • NO help
  • change after x stops

Form of play:

  • each team gets 5x ball possession
  • who makes the most stops

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: