Basketball drill: defend triple threat
Suitable for the following techniques: defense
Defend triple threat
Goal: Defending the forward in triple threat position
- attacker makes an agreed number of different feints before shooting or dribbling to the basket
- defender must anticipate with a drop step when the attacker threatens to go over the front foot
- with a two-footed backward hop when the attacker threatens to go over the back foot
- when the attacker brings up the ball, the defender should quickly step towards the attacker, stand against him, feet wider than the attacker,
- Trace the ball with your hands
- When the attacker brings the ball back down, the defender returns to his/her original position with a slide step or a hop backwards (arm's length distance)
Teaching points:
- react quickly on the feet, before the attacker does
- Distance from the attacker: match the threat he poses.
- Shorten the distance to the attacker with mini-slides, so that you can react immediately
attacker gives a pass to himself from the bucket edge
Starting exercise:
- defender starts at arm's length
- Square up = feet next to each other, chest perpendicular to the line of the ball-basket when the attacker is standing on the axis of the field.
- Left foot forward when the attacker is standing on the right half of the field and vice versa.
- Attacker fakes the shot
- Defender steps forward, hand on ball
- Attacker brings the ball down
- defender recovers arm-length distance
- attacker makes max 2 dribbles, left or right
- after the stop, the defender steps forward again, hand on the ball
Form of play:
- as above, but with shot + boxing out (= wall and rebound)
- 2 scores in a row (also from the rebound!!) OR 2 stops in a row = loser presses and change