Basketball drill: double team after a stop dribble
Suitable for the following techniques: defense
Double team after a stop dribble
Goal: securing the dribbler against the sideline after stopping the dribble
- defender passes to attacker on signal of the coach
- Attacker is NOT allowed to dribble, only to pivot.
- the trainer counts down 5 seconds
Teaching Points:
- Get as close to the attacker as possible (but stay in your own cylinder).
- Move your feet closer to the attacker, but keep your position between the attacker and the helpline.
- If the attacker allows you to have his back, move your feet forward.
- trace the ball
- defenders always one hand low and one hand high (Umbrella)
- the attacker is never allowed to step or pass between the defenders (only passes parallel to the sideline are allowed)
- avoid mistakes; conquer ball by 1) 5 seconds, 2) bad pass, 3) attacker's foot on the line
Form of play:
Two additional attackers running free outside the lane. A successful pass between the defenders is a point for the attackers. 5 seconds or foot of the attacker on the line is a point for the defenders. Play to the 2.