Basketball drill: keep an overview
Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling
Keep an overview
players must already have good dribbling skills
to train the ability to oversee the field while dribbling
- pawns to mark the dribbling area
- player 2 is doing the Mikan drill
- the dribbler has to count the number of scores out loud and at the same time apply his dribbling skills
- (waiting players can practice their dribbling skills along the sidelines)
Teaching points:
- knees bent
- keep the ball low
- nose points to the ring
- always overlook the field, so no reverse on spin dribble
With defender:
- add active defender
- use several areas if necessary
With passes:
- defender 2 gives maximum pressure on the ball
- forwards 3 and 5 try to get free in turns
- 4 defends actively
- If the pass does not reach the forward in time, he/she steps back to the bucket edge.
- in case of a successful pass the forward plays 1 against 1 against 4
- defender 4 picks up the rebound and joins the back of the line
- the forward who just attacked becomes defender
- defender 2 becomes forward at the open position
- 1 starts defending the new dribbler
With extra defender:
- add extra defender, so there is less time for the dribbler to make the pass
- (players at the helpside are inactive)
- back through pass is allowed