Basketball drill: warm-up 1 (zig-zag half-court)
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up dribbling
Warm-up 1 (Zig-Zag half-court)
Players start at the bottom of the ring in 2 lines.
1) On the right side of the ring, players make a zig-zag run with the ball, changing direction at each cone (cross, behind the back, through the legs and spin move).
- Once at the center line, the player dribbles with the left hand towards the cones #1 here you do a backup dribble and go with a cross-over past the cones and finish with a lay-up.
2) On the left side of the ring, players do a short/explosive zig-zag and sprint from the last pawn to the center line.
- Once at the center line, they dribble right-handed to cones #2, here they do a backup dribble and crossover past the cones and finish with lay-up.
- At cones #1 and #2 you can vary with crossover, behind the back, through the legs and spin move
- Finish with lay-up or short distance shot