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Basketball drill: weaven

Suitable for the following techniques: passing warming-up condition


  • 3 rows behind the baseline.
  • Center player blue passes to the left or right.
  • He runs behind his pass, around the one who received the pass.
  • The player who received the pass- red- passes it to the opposite side -white-.
  • Also runs after the pass to receive the ball again from blue.
  • On the other side of the field a layup is made and they make the weave back to the other side of the field.
  • Then the next 3 players can start.
* Don't make the field too wide.
* Vary shot.
* Players must ask for the ball.
* Tight chest passes.
* 30 touches in 5 minutes. If not achieving 15 push ups or walk the difference.

drawing Weaven

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: