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Beachvolleyball drill: improve the footwork of the blocker

Suitable for the following techniques: attack defense block

Improve the footwork of the blocker

  • Build an attack on one side;
  • The blocker stands in front of the attacker, pretends to jump and steps back;
  • The attacker plays a short ball over the blocker; the blocker defends the ball and the rally continues or the ball is scored.
  • When the attacker gets in the middle, you can train both ways.
  • The same when the attacker plays short diagonally
  • The blocker makes a step into the diagonal, pretends to jump and then runs to defend the diagonal ball.



  • The first ball must be played short.
  • Then play against each other for the point.

  • Apply it in a situation where the attacker has no restrictions.
  • Trainer (or one of the players) throws in the first ball from a table.
  • The attacker may try to score the ball in the area just behind the net.
  • Along the line or diagonally. With a defender added the

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: