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Gym class drill: james bond with robbery

Suitable for the following techniques:

James Bond with robbery

  • The mission of the James Bond team is different in this game from the original.
  • Otherwise, the game is played by the same rules.
  • Mission James Bond-team (pink):
  • Try to rob the blocks, which are in the field, as fast as possible without being thrown off.
  • If you get thrown off you have to go back to the starting line and try again.
  • After you've stolen a block, place it in the hoop near the starting line and try to steal another block.
  • How long does it take for a team to steal all the blocks?
  • When all the blocks are gone time stops and everyone sits down where they were.
  • The teacher writes down how much time it took to rob the blocks, this is the score of team 1.
  • Now the teams are exchanged.
  • After the third round the scores are compared, who took the least time to rob the blocks?


Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: