Handball drill: follow the pass

Suitable for the following techniques: ball control

Follow the pass

  • 3 pawns,
    • 1 pawn on the circle=A,
    • 1 pawn on the LO=B,
    • 1 pawn on RO=C /
      • if more players present, work with 4 pawns
  • players divide into 3 groups and each group will stand behind 1 pawn
  • start with 1 ball
  • players at pion A have the ball and play to B and follow the pass (walk to pion B)
  • player with pawn B receives the ball and plays the ball to player with pawn C and follows the pass (walk to pawn C)
  • player near pawn C receives the ball and plays the ball to player near pawn A and follows the pass (walk to A)
  • DUS play to the right and walk to the right
  • 2nd heavier possibility:
    • 2nd ball in reception OR play ball to the right and walk to the left

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: