Handball drill: footwork & sprint course in relay race

Suitable for the following techniques: condition

Footwork & sprint course in relay race

  • Line up at the center line
  • 2 players start at the same time
  • Fast forward to the first pawn on the left, tap and reverse
  • To the other pawn on the right, tap and go backwards
  • To the pawn in the middle tap and go backwards
  • Go around the starting pawn
  • Sprint to the other side
  • Then make 2 teams > relay race. When you reach the other side, go back outside and tap the next one. Ready is sitting.
  • 2x without ball
  • 2x with ball;
    • 1st time only to the other side and back is bouncing.
    • 2nd time also to the other 3 pawns.
The team that loses performs an exercise that the winning team comes up with. Such as; push-ups, frog jumps, abs, jumping squats, etc.
drawing Footwork & sprint course in relay race

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: