Handball drill: quick sideways pass

Suitable for the following techniques: ball control warming-up condition

Quick sideways pass

  • This exercise is shown for 3 groups.
  • Each team does a different exercise.
  • This is done to show the possibilities and variations.
  • The passes are only shown on the way out.
  • Players continue with passes on the way back to their starting position. (5-10 passes are possible).
    • The 1st group plays side passes inside the pylons and turns to the outside around the pylons and then plays long passes on the way back.
    • The 2nd group plays side passes on the right side of the pylons and both turn left around the pylons and then play side passes again on the way back.
    • The 3rd group runs (dribbles) around the pylons.
  • All passes are possible, but the exercise is best for the quick, precise side pass. Also a good exercise for training acceleration.quick-sideways-pass

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: