Hockey drill: block 1 exercise 2 passing exercise with open control

Suitable for the following techniques: push pass ball control passing hitting

Block 1 exercise 2 passing exercise with open control

  • A pass the ball with a push in the forehand of B
  • B takes the ball open and passes the ball to C
  • C takes the ball open and passes the ball to D
  • D takes the ball open, makes eye contact with E
  • E comes running towards the ball and takes the ball while running and turns to the right with the ball on the stick.
    • E makes eye contact with F
  • F runs into the ball and gets the ball from E who gives a hard push in the forehand
    • F takes the ball in the barrel turning to the left and dribbles with the ball on the stick into the circle and aligns the ball or strikes goal.
  • G can be added later in the exercise if the exercise goes well
    • This runs before the tip-in of F

drawing Block 1 exercise 2 passing exercise with open control

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: