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Hockey drill: block 4 exercise 2 lift action and tip-in

Suitable for the following techniques: passing pass around player

Block 4 exercise 2 lift action and tip-in

  • A starts with the ball and makes eye contact with B.
  • B runs in and receives a hard aimed pass from A.
  • B takes the ball with an elevator action and controls the ball and accelerates to the circle.
  • Lines up the ball and makes a hard pass to the 2 the post.
  • C runs in and tips the ball from B into the goal.
  • D starts with the ball and has a tightly aimed pass to E.
  • Takes it so he can run around the ball and finish right away with a strike.

drawing Block 4 exercise 2 lift action and tip-in

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: