Hockey drill: delaying the build-up in the opponent's half
Suitable for the following techniques: ball control attack defense hitting
Delaying the build-up in the opponent's half
3 (4) against 2 + goalkeeper
: demarcated space (on half a field)
- The form starts when blue 1 passes to orange 1.
- Orange 1, 2 and 3 ( possibly 4) try to score in the goal.
- Blue 1 and 2 try, by working together, to take over possession of the ball on their strong side and then to score in one of the little goals on the centre field (circle size about 3 metres).
The form stops when:
- Orange scores in the goal.
- Blue scores in the conversion in one of the little goals on the half way line.
- The ball goes over the back line.
- Ball over the sideline is a normal strike.
- Foul is a normal free hit.
Tips on ball possession
- Look before taking the ball (pre-scanning) and recognise space.
- Take free hits and hits as quickly as possible.
- Use push passes.
Tips on non-ball possession
- Work together (cover each other's backs), give pressure on the ball, keep the ball on your defensive forehand side (fake space).
- Force a pass to the back or force a pass wide; this is better than a deep pass.
- Make sure you are always between the ball and your own goal
Switching tips
- On losing the ball:
- Keep pressure on the ball straight away
- Get between the ball and your own goal as quickly as possible and help your team-mate
- On winning the ball:
- Look for the free space
- Play a confident pass or accelerate strongly yourself.
- Make it easier
- Vary the method of passing (e.g. push pass) or initial pass to another player.
- Make it more difficult
- Increase Pressure:
- Who scores the most goals in 10 ball starts);
- can Orange 1,2,3 score within 30 sec.
- Increase Pressure: