Hockey drill: game format: redeem by a panna.

Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling pass around player

Game format: redeem by a panna.

  • Except for one player -red-, all players -blue- have one ball.
  • The red defender tries to work all balls out of the box.
  • If a blue player loses his/her ball and it has been played out of the box, she/he stands with her/his legs apart.
  • The player can be redeemed by another blue player; This one plays the ball through the legs -panna- and blue has a player back in the box.
  • Continue until all players are off.
Points of attention:
  • If it takes too long or you notice in advance that one defender is too little, appoint an extra defender.
drawing Game format: redeem by a panna.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: