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Hockey drill: playing in the striking circle

Suitable for the following techniques: attack positional play

Playing in the striking circle

Practicing putting down a striking circle and playing in a header.
  • Ball starts on the sideline and there is no space in front so the ball must be returned!
  • How do you stand in a striking circle?
    • We play in a 4 man bowl and stand as shown in the picture below.
  • What is the task of the people in the striking circle?
    • The left back receives first the ball from the midfielder who takes it out because there is no space in front.
    • It is the job of the left back to have already looked beforehand at where there is space and where I can go with the ball.
    • Then you have the left center man in the circle, who takes some steps back so he can receive the ball from the left back in a safe place, and must also have looked beforehand at the state of play and where I can go with the ball when I am going to get it
    • The right center man in the circle must have an overview of the game and makes sure she can play for the other center man or even for the left back if there is room for it.
    • The right back can go up or down a bit, he must see the play of the opponent and be able to react to it.
    • If there is high pressure, he should drop back a little to be playable by the back men in the circle.
    • If they are applying less pressure, he can stand a bit higher to keep the field long and wide and play forward.
  • How are we going to build up forward what is the job of the midfielders?
    • The task of the midfielders is to pass from inside to outside, run towards the ball and if they do not get the ball, run away again to create space for your team-mates
  • The other team is going to put pressure on the players who are playing in the bowl and experiment with this

drawing Playing in the striking circle

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: