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Korfball drill: catch and cast with quarter and half turns

Suitable for the following techniques: passing

Catch and cast with quarter and half turns

In short: exercise in which catching and throwing are practised in a quarter or half turn.

Organisation: Each team has a ball, two fixed leaders A and B, possibly working with foursomes. After 1 or 2 minutes swap tasks. See further the figure.

a ) Handler A has the ball. Worker number 1 comes running towards A, who passes the ball to A when number 1 is at the same height as ball handler number 1 catches the ball, and plays it back to B with a quarter turn. Number 1 joins the row of workers at the back, B plays back to A. Then number 2 comes on and so on.

b ) Like a., but now a bit more 'beautiful': play the ball after the catch in the jump with one hand back to attacker B. As the exercise is explained above, the ball will be thrown with the left, while before the jump the ball will be thrown with the right leg.

c ) As b., but the declarer B has moved to the other side, so now the throw is made with the right hand.

d ) Declarant B moves a few metres closer to the workers. Number 1 walks up to declarer A, who doesn't give the ball until number 1 is close. Number 1 then plays the ball with almost a half turn to ball handler B. Continue as part a. The opinions of korfball scholars differ about the correct technique for exercise b. and c. Personally I prefer the technique where a small hop precedes the necessary movement, but it is not necessary (at least there are many korfball players who do not make a hop and still do it well). It is very striking, however, that there is hardly any korfball player in the world who can do both exercise b. and exercise c. well, no matter how simple they are! The one who masters b. well, will be very clumsy with c. and vice versa... It is also striking, that in the exercise where you have to throw with the wrong hand, your balance is often better!

e ) Like d., but now 'nicer': who can play the ball after catching it in the jump with a half turn to B?

f ) Like d., but now handler B is on the other side, so the ball has to be thrown with the other hand.

g ) Now with defenders to make it more difficult. There are three helpers (numbers 3, 4 and 5) who stand in a triangle with a distance of about 15 meter between them. In the middle stands the worker (number 1) with a defender (number 2). The worker has the ball, plays it to number 3, gets it back and plays the ball with a turn (possibly in the jump) to number 4. Then the same to ball 5, then again to number 3 etc. The defender hinders, but does not make the exercise impossible. After 45 seconds, the players change functions (number 2 starts working, number 3 becomes defender and the previous worker becomes declarer), etc., until each of the five players has had an attack and a distribution turn.

h ) As g., but now there is more fanatical defending. In compensation, the worker gets the opportunity to choose to which attacker the ball will be played. He may not play back to the declarer from whom he received the ball.

i ) As h., but without the attacker being allowed to choose to whom to play: the ball must be played consecutively to number 3, then to 4 and finally to number 5.

j ) As i., but now the other way round: so play with the other hand. Got it!

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: