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Korfball drill: catch and throw exercises

Suitable for the following techniques: passing

Catch and throw exercises

The organisation in the following exercises is that two players face each other. One ball per pair. The distance can be varied, but players should not practice at maximum distance. Do not let the players stand too 'stiff', they must be able to move freely and relaxed.

Exercise 1

Players throw the ball to each other with two hands and catch with two hands. Position at chest height. Pay attention to either throwing or catching, not both at the same time.

Variations: which pair can throw back and forth 25 times the fastest, who can pass the ball over the most without dropping it.

Exercise 2

As exercise 1, but pass the ball a little higher, not so high that you have to jump, so just above your head. Pay special attention to the catch and the position of the thumbs, a little closer together than in exercise 1.

Exercise 3

Like exercise 1, but the ball is played at knee height. Pay special attention to the pins, slightly closer together and pointing to the ground.

Exercise 4

Have the players stand a little closer to each other and bounce the ball over.

Exercise 5

Players alternately throw the ball high, low, with a bounce or at chest height.


The same exercises can be performed at a greater distance. A nice variation is to have the players start close to each other and after 3 good tosses take a small step further apart. After a while the players

they will get far apart and the maximum distance will be reached. Let players throw at most 3 times at maximum distance, certainly not more or further.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: