Korfball drill: defending/ attacking
Defending/ Attacking
- 5 men per basket.
- Players A start as attackers in front of the basket.
- Players V start as defenders, 1.5 arms' length away from the shooter.
- Player C starts with the ball in the box.
- Attacker A must try to score through the 1 on 1 duel.
- It does not matter how (distance, evasion, dlb).
- When the attacker has the ball in his hands, the defender has to close the gap. D
- he defender is not allowed to tap or block balls.
- The V must show that she is with the attacker, but must allow the shot.
- This can be done by the defender placing her hand just above the attacker's shoulder.
- After 1 minute, the V has to change position.