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Korfball drill: in the circle

Suitable for the following techniques: general

In the circle

Inbrief: practising various running and jumping forms in a circle formation. Organisation: All the players hold each other by the hands and form a large circle. Then they let go of each other and take a number of steps backwards. The players are numbered in order: 1, 2, 1, 2, etc.

The number 1 runs in a fast pace around the number 2, going around the circle, so the first is passed on the left, the second on the right, the first on the left again, etc. After three laps, the number 2 follows. After three rounds the numbers 2 follow.

Same as in a., but now limping on the right leg. After one round change and go round on the left leg. Then the numbers 2 follow. Repeat one more time.

Jumping: the numbers 2 stand up, the numbers 1 jumps over them. After 2 rounds change.

Same as c., but the billy goats stand a bit higher. The pace needs to slow down a bit now, the important thing is to make a high jump with a powerful push off.

Exercise a. again, but now walk the other way.

The numbers 2 stand in a lying position, the numbers 1 jump over them with a long and high jump (a kind of running jump); the push-off takes place with one leg. After three rounds change. Then the same exercise again, but now take off with the other leg.

The numbers 2 lie down on their stomachs (or possibly squat). The number 1 jumps over them, while they take off with 2 legs. Between the numbers 2 they also jump (hopping). After two rounds change.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: