Korfball drill: korfball rugby
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up
Korfball rugby
- As the attacking team, try to score in the basket for 2 points or by standing in the hoop with the al for 1 point.
- You are allowed to walk with the ball without being tapped with the ball in your hands.
- Passing and walking with the ball is important!
- It's kind of like rugby, but without physical contact.
- You may run with the ball in your hands inside the field
- Defending goals is allowed (tapping the attacking side is smarter)
- Only if you have the ball, you may be tapped.
- Step 1:
- If you are tapped with the ball, you have 2 seconds to throw the ball over.
- If you don't, put the ball on the ground and the defending team attacks.
- Step 2:
- If you are tapped with the ball, you immediately put the ball on the ground and the defending side attacks.
- The 1st pass may not be defended or tapped.
- Scoring in the hoop is 1 point.
- You score in the hoop by standing in it with the ball.
- Scoring in the basket is 2 points.
- Further normal korfball rules.