Korfball drill: pairs, a declarator and a 'worker'.
Suitable for the following techniques: passing
Pairs, a declarator and a 'worker'.
In short: practising various forms of catching and throwing with pairs. The emphasis can be on learning the technique, maintaining the technique and also on fitness.
Organisation: each pair has a ball and one or two pawns if necessary. There is always a regular server who stands still, and a regular worker. After ½ to 1 minute change function.
1) The 'worker' and the declarant stand about 10 meters apart (if necessary, place a pylon near the worker). The worker approaches the ball handler and receives the ball. The worker has to catch the ball with one hand and throw it back to the player, and then walk back to the starting position. Then again, but now with the other hand, etc. (possibly a pylon near the worker). (possibly a pylon near the worker). The worker comes up to the declarer, who passes the ball at head height. The worker must
returnthe ball
in the jump with two hands.
2) The worker and the declarer stand again about 10 meters apart (possibly a pylon near the worker). The worker comes up to the declarer, who passes the ball at head height. The worker has to play the ball back in the jump with two hands.
3) As example 2, but the worker gets the assignment to jump very high.
4) As example 2, but the handler is instructed to throw the ball about ½ meters above the head. The worker will have to process the ball in the jump above the head.
5) At 6 meters in front of the declarant stands a pylon. The worker walks up to the pylon, and makes an evasive move backwards. The defender plays the ball on the outside, so that the worker has to catch the ball with one hand. The ball is played back to the declarer in one fluent movement. The worker immediately runs to the pylon again and sidesteps the ball again, but now to the other side, so that the ball must be caught and thrown with the other hand as well.
6) As example 5, but now the ball is returned with an overhand pendulum throw.
7) As example 5, but now the ball is returned with an underhand sling throw.
8) As example 5, but now the ball is returned in one of the following 'creative' ways: with a bounce, behind the head or behind the back.
Exercises 5. to 8., but now at significantly greater distances. The exercises now require quite a lot of power.
Exercises 5. to 8., but now play the ball near the pylon one more time (catch and throw with two hands).
Exercises 5. till 8., but instead of walking in a V-shape with evasive movements, the worker walks in a straight line at about 6 meter in front of the declarator (if necessary place pawns). The worker's trajectory is now more or less perpendicular to the ball path, which makes placing the ball more difficult.
The worker moves back and forth at about 4 metres in front of the declarant in a defensive position, i.e. slightly below the knees. The worker catches and throws the ball with one hand, then he 'slides' in the other direction. About 5 metres further, he catches and throws the ball with the other hand and goes back again: all in defensive position. The exercise is mainly meant to train the upper leg muscles (and to catch and throw properly while "hurting")
Ball carrier and worker stand about 4 meters apart. The handler plays the ball very fast in succession at neck height to the helper. The handler has to return the ball in the jump as fast as possible.
As j., but the declarator plays the ball above the head. The worker must return the ball in the jump with two hands.
The 'worker' lies stretched out on the ground with the arms above the head. The handler is crouching a few meters away from him. The worker has to throw the ball back to the declarer from his lying position. The exercise is designed to strengthen the back, abdomen and upper arm muscles.
The worker sits (or lies) on the ground. The ball is thrown to the ball by the person who is standing 8 meters away. The worker must stand up as soon as possible and throw the ball back.
The worker starts at near the B-pillar and walks to the C-pillar. There, he receives the ball from skater A. After catching the ball in the jump, he has to make a quarter turn and pass the ball back to the skater. After that the worker walks back to B, etc.
As n., but now from pylon D (now catch and throw with the other hand).
The worker starts at pilon B and walks to pilon D. There he receives the ball, which is then thrown back to the declarer in the jump (with almost a half turn) with the left hand. Then he walks back to B, and does the same with the other hand.
The declarer plays the balls with an arc in the space. The worker catches the balls at the highest point and puts them back immediately.
The declarer plays the balls with a curve in space over the worker. The worker runs after him and catches the ball as fast as possible with one hand (alternating left and right).
The worker runs in circles around the pawns B and D. He always gets the ball at C. From there he throws it back behind his back to the declarer (don't make the distances too large). The thrower throws alternating left and right!
As s., but the worker plays the ball back with a sling throw over the head.
All exercises in which the worker walks back and forth in front of the declarer (in circles around the pawns) can also be performed with the worker always walking in circles around the declarer.
In connection with the dizziness that may arise, do change the walking direction regularly!
All exercises become slightly more difficult if the declarer, who has been standing still until now, is instructed to move slightly. Do not use this variation if the exercise is intended as a fitness exercise!