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Korfball drill: rebount

Suitable for the following techniques: passing


  • Boxes together, two players (men/ladies these are A(anvaller) and V(erdefender) in front of the picture) in the left corner in front of the basket.
  • One player left (left behind the basket) next to it and one player right (right behind the basket) next to it.
  • In the pair is an attacker and a defender.
  • The attacker has the ball, places it next to him (left or right) and takes the rebound.
  • The defender is going to make the rebound difficult but gives it away initially (this one defends in front).
  • The player who does not get the ball fills the place of the attacker/rebounder.
  • The two players in front of the basket take a shot after one or two doubles.
    Who will get the most rebounds out of the five shots?

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: