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Korfball drill: shooting assignment

Suitable for the following techniques: attack defense shoot


In short: practicing various shooting variations in a fun competition form.

Organization: per group a post and a ball, the posts are preferably (but not necessary) arranged in a circle or rectangle. The number of people per group is less important (but all groups are about the same size).

  • The first task for the groups is to score 10 goals. 
  • When you have completed this assignment, the person who scored the last goal runs to the trainer to pick up the next assignment. 
  • Which group completed all the assignments first?
  • In the meantime, the trainer walks around encouraging or correcting where necessary. 
  • He has a piece of paper with him with a row of assignments on it. When someone gets to get the next assignment, first ask which one has just been completed (this can vary quite a bit over time) and then give the next assignment. 
  • An example list: 5 walk-through balls, 5 penalty throws, 5 4-meter shots, 5 walk-through balls from behind the post, 5 shots behind the post.

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: