Korfball drill: skittles basketball
Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up
Skittles basketball
2 teams play a game.
- Instead of baskets, you must score by throwing at a cone.
- This cone is in the center of the circle and around it are players.
- One player stands in front of the pawn to protect it.
- The players around this one player must try, by passing the ball quickly around, to throw at the pawn.
- Meanwhile, the player in front of the pawn tries to intercept the ball and defend the pawn.
- When the ball is intercepted, he/she gets a point and the ball goes back to the outside.
- Switching: when the pawn is hit, the player gets a point and switches places with the player in the middle.
- Whoever has the most points wins.
Goal: Playing together as attackers and intercepting the ball as defenders.
- Make throw-overs more difficult: two in the middle, throw with left.
- Making overthrowers easier: With two balls.