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Korfball drill: suicide

Suitable for the following techniques: general


In short: running exercise with sprinting and turning in which the players have to go to the bottom.

Organisation: Five lines are laid out with a distance of about 5 metres between them. In the hall will be told which lines on the floor are involved.

Everyone positions themselves behind the starting line. Everyone starts at the same time. You sprint to the first line at 5 metres. Stop, turn and sprint back to the starting line.

Then to the third line (at 15 metres) and back again and then once more to the last line. If necessary touch the ground at every line.

You have to go 'to the bottom' (you will succeed). This exercise can be repeated several times, but then there must be a clear rest in between. In this rest period one can take e.g. one free ball from each section. Then line up behind the line again and sprint etc. until everyone in the section has taken one free ball.

The same exercise but now with three teams in relay. Which group finishes first?

Picking up cubes. Like a., but now cubes are placed at the place of the lines, which the children have to collect one by one. Who finishes first?

The 'course' is the same, but now the children alternate between walking forward and backward, or they walk with cross passes, with running jumps,

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Not applicable
Suitable for the following levels: