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Korfball drill: two against two - party form

Suitable for the following techniques: condition

Two against two - party form

  • Two courses with four pairs. 1 duo starts on the side.
  • You play two against two. When the ball is intercepted the other duo takes a shot from the middle.
  • If you score through a shot, it is worth one point. A through ball is worth two points.
  • When a goal is scored, the scoring team leaves the field and a new pair enters the field. The pair that scored the goal may start.
Attention points attacker:
  • Choose an alternating running pace.
  • Try to look for your defender's backside.
Points of attention defender:
  • Predefend!
  • Try to intercept the pass.
drawing Two against two - party form

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: