Soccer drill: core stability exercises
Suitable for the following techniques: strength
Core stability exercises
- Core: planking 1 minute
- Side planks half minute both sides
- Abdominals: In pairs:
- 1 lies on back with head between legs other player and holds hands at ankles.
- The one lying down lifts his/her straight legs up and the one standing throws the stretched legs one way.
- The legs must not touch the ground.
- 10 x both players.
- Back: lie on your stomach and lift your arms and legs off the ground for 10 seconds. 10 x repeat.
- Core: planks 1 minute straight and 2x half minutes sideways
- Abdominal muscles: With twosome:
- Both players lie on back and lean on elbows with feet facing each other and feet just overlapping.
- The stretched legs should be off the ground and the feet should do 10 circles around each other counterclockwise and then 10 circles clockwise.
- Back: Superman:
- On hands and knees.
- 1 Arm and opposite leg are held in the air and stretched forward/backward for 10 seconds.
- Then switch for other arm and leg.
- Repeat this 10 times.