Soccer drill: dribbling and cowering

Suitable for the following techniques: dribbling shoot

Dribbling and cowering

  • Player with ball slaloms around the pawns with a cap move
  • Player plays the ball into the feet of the sagging striker at the end of the cones
  • Striker takes the ball on the turn
  • Striker shoots at goal

  • The player who slaloms becomes the new striker
  • The striker who shot retrieves the ball and joins the line to slalom
  • The next player can start when the player in front of him/her is at the 4th pawn; halfway through the slalom
- 2 players stand at the pawn in the front to follow each other faster
- The pawn in the vanguard stands approximately on the 16 meter line
drawing Dribbling and cowering

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: