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Soccer drill: dribbling skills

Suitable for the following techniques: warming-up dribbling passing

Dribbling skills

  • Players face each other next to pots A.
  • Distances 5 meters between A and B.
  • 8 meters between both B's.
  1. Player blue and red leave at the same time with ball on foot from A to B.
  2. Lay off the ball there.
  3. Walk to opposite B and there take ball with foot from other player.
  4. Then they take the ball to pot A.
  1. Player blue leaves with ball on foot, at the same time player red leaves without ball.
  2. At potty B, blue passes to red who accepts and passes back to blue.
  3. Blue pulls ball under him, turns around and dribbles back to A.
  4. Player red turns around from B and runs to A.
  5. Then the same, but player red with ball and player blue without. Alternate each time.
drawing Dribbling skills

Characteristics of the drill

Necessary materials:
Suitable for the following levels: