Soccer drill: game form to increase the speed of action with the ball
Game form to increase the speed of action with the ball
- In this game form we play eight against four.
- Do you have more or less players? You can also choose to play six against three, seven against three, seven against four, nine against four or nine against five.
- Make sure you adjust the dimensions of the field with more or less players.
- After five replays, the eight team may score
- The eight team can score after five replays.
- The team with four players can always score
- Every time the ball goes out, after a goal is scored or when the ball is intercepted by the foursome, start the count again.
- Swap after five goals or up to 10 minutes.
- You can adjust the difficulty by having them pass more or less often for a point.
Points of attention
- Correct ball speed
- The ball must be held low over the ground
- The left and right foot must be used
- Takeover with the right foot