Volleyball drill: attack run and attacks
Suitable for the following techniques: attack
Attack run and attacks
Making an attack run:
- Right handed: left, right, left
- Left handed: right, left, right
- jump with your arms
- Hit with your belly
- Line up attackers on the outside, pay attention to the run-up and the arms.
- Row of attackers on middle and back
- 3 attackers on position 2, 3, 4 and reserve.
- SV comes in from the back
- in the opposite field 3 blockers on position 2, 3, 4
- at position 6 is a defender
- Trainer throws ball to defender
- defender passes to SV at position 2-3
- SV gives set up at position 2, 3 or 4
- Blockers block and block defence
- attacker gets ball, reserve attacks
- defender changes after 10 good balls